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Customer Journey - Project Blanton

Customer Journey - Project Blanton

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Author: Kim Spradlin Wolfe

Those who have been following Blanton on Instagram know just how much this project means to both my family and me. Over a three year span, I’ve renovated more than 15 houses on a major renovation show backed by a solid team, a healthy dose of voracity, and as many iced coffees as I could drink. I got great at the process, both creatively and logistically, I got my ass kicked, but also had SO MUCH FUN. 

However, during those three years something else happened — I lost sight of my own beliefs about "home" in order to make one of so many other families. We sold our home and my husband and my three kids and I, all moved into a rental that was supposed to be very temporary, but wasn't. I started a mantra that went a little something like this, "we won't be here forever, so why make the effort?!" This applied to all kinds of things that made a home cozy, tidy, and special. It impacted all of us, and a change was a must.

We finally chose a house that checked most (never all) our boxes, and we jumped on it! We called it "Blanton" and we got to work. No matter how many cool high profile or big budget projects I get to do, it will always be special to design and build a house for the people I love most in this world.

Photo: Katie Jameson, Design by Kim Spradlin Wofle

When it comes to starting a design, I try to go deep down the rabbit hole of envisioning what I want to create right off the top. I close my eyes, put on some great music, and try to get really clear on where I'm trying to drive the bus. I knew I wanted this new family home to feel warm and cozy, lived in, but not fussy. I wanted very little "white,” but with unique finishes, color, and a bit of European flair! 

I began making material selections immediately because if I learned anything from Why the Heck Did I Buy this House!? it's that things run smoothly and quickly if you have everything on hand for your builder at the start. Some things fell into place beautifully with little effort. For example: the flooring. 

Photo: Kim Spradlin Wolfe

The flooring was all a patchwork quilt of faux wood offerings in an array of shades, so I knew this needed a complete do over. I ordered a bunch of samples from many different manufacturers, and fell in love with the oiled, wire brushed finish of a sample called "Westgate" by Harper Floors. It had an old world authenticity to it with knots and warm honeyed tones, but the almost 9 inch wide planks balanced it out by keeping it modern. 

Photo: Kim Spradlin Wolfe

 It was absolute perfection! We have been living on them (with an 8, 9, and 10 year old — doing all the crazy kid things) for over 6 months now, and what I'm loving even more is how low maintenance they are.

Photos: Samantha Biermer, Design by Kim Spradlin Wolfe 

Nothing beats the look of real hardwood flooring, but I must say, Harper Flooring’s engineered wood flooring provides the best of both worlds. It looks like the real thing, but is both durable and well-made. You can find some great sample options here to help you find the perfect fit for your home. 

In the short time we've been here one thing has come very clear and I think will stick with me moving forward, if there is a favorite house for me, it's the one that is done. The home where all the i's are dotted and all the t's crossed. The type of home that doesn't require anything more of me. This frees me up to do other things like bake cookies, carve pumpkins, spend time with my family, or enjoy the quiet mornings fall brings. Right now, I’m taking time to enjoy the little things life brings. 

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